Thursday, May 6, 2010

Laser Memory-How to Get a Better Short Term Memory

Laser Memory

Do you want to amaze your friends and repeat the last two hundred words that your friend just said? Or do you want to get better at playing video games where you need to remember certain sequences or events? Or do want to win at black jack or poker which memorization of certain card numbers are dealt out? If you do, then you want to increase your short term memory!

Leaser memory

You can achieve this by using these 3 simple tips.

1. Practice

Practice increasing your short memory by practicing reading one page of a book and then repeating it out loud.

To increase better short term memory, you can use this simple technique. Just get any ordinary book and just read one page. After you have read a page, then quickly say out loud what you can remember from each page. Practice this everyday as much as you can. You will surprise yourself how quickly you can get better!

2. Use visualisation to memorize

Your brain is more effective at learning when you visualize. That is, when you remember something, have a picture in your mind the item that you are remembering. This is more effective than just memorizing plain words and numbers.

3. Drink green tea

Green tea is great to get you better short term memory. Green tea contains a lot of anti-oxidants and the Chinese has used green tea for centuries as Chinese medicine to improve memory. In fact, many Chinese scholars drink green tea as they believed that drinking it will make them significantly smarter!

Tito King is an Author living in Sydney, Australia. He is interested in reading and creating websites. His latest website is about eyelid surgery and finding the best asian eyelid surgery on the web today.

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Leaser Memory

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